Dr. Pablo Martinez - Psychiatrist

MEDICINE of the Person

Every person is a unity of body, psyche and spirituality inseparable in turn from the history of his life.
“Medicine of the Person, founded by the Swiss physician Paul Tournier, seeks to treat each pacient as a human being of great value.

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Dr. Pablo Martinez

Dr. Pablo Martinez - Psiquiatrist

Graduated in Medicine at the University of Barcelona, he runs a private practice. Renowned international lecturer, he has been a guest speaker in more than 35 countries. Author of several books translated into 20 languages.

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Areas of expertise

Useful resources

Existential anxiety: between faith and despair

There is a God-shaped void in the heart of each man...

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On Listening and Communication

«You hear with your ears, but you listen with your eyes.»

On Listening and Communication

«When two people really listen, they meet. This encounter changes us, remodels us, transforms us.»

On Relationships and Dialogue

«How many dialogues become mere “duologues” because two are speaking and no one is listening!»

About Words

«In this digital society we have to recover the word. Words with soul and life, words that transform people and situations.»

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